Tidy Your Garden – Call Hedgehogs Garden Services Glenrothes
Is your garden a bit rough around the hedges?? Now is the time to begin to take action and contact Hedgehogs Garden Services to get your garden in shape. Our eager team offers great prices for grass cutting, hedge trimming, replacing and planting, pruning, lawn feeding, etc. If there is something else needed that we can help with, give our Tidy Garden Services Team a call at 01592 859 541 and get a competively priced estimate!. Don’t let that garden grow out of control. Let our team make those weeds and hedges behave!
If you are a Do It Yourself Gardener then check out our gravel on offer and we supply ornamental and composted bark for gardens. Don’t forget that vegetable plot may need a good layer of top soil or add a bag or two of Mother Earth garden compost to get that crop growing. Hedgehogs Nursery has it all!
Looking for a new garden, then Kean and Able Landscape Design and construction are ready to help your take that step to a new, exciting garden. Our inshouse landscape desinger has loads of experience and creates gardens that will put a smile on your face. And of course our landscape construction team will transform those great design plans into a real gem to enjoy. Try not to delay too long…enjoy a great garden early.
Call Hedgehogs Nursery Garden Supplies and Service for all your local garden needs on 01592 859 541
See our Garden Services Tidy Team and Landscape Design and Construction team at Hedgehogs Nursery
Crompton Road Southfield Industrial Estate
Glenrothes, Fife KY6 2SF
01592 859 541
Hours: M-F 10am – 1500hrs
Sat & Sun – 10am – 1400hrs