Spring Garden Plants, and Fruits – Time for Growing!

Spring Garden Plants, and Fruits – Time for Growing!

Spring is the time for growing all your favourite plants and fruits in your spring garden.  Sunny days make for great growing and now is the time to start your favourite fruits, brighten up those dull areas in the garden, and replace plants and trees that got blasted by the beast from the east.

Bedding Plants at Hedgehogs Nursery Glenrothes

summer bedding plants for spring gardens
Lovely Summer Bedding Plants- Hedgehogs Nursery

Fresh in and looking good are the bedding plants – trailing begonias, non-stop begonias, sweet peas, violas, surfinas and of course the popular million bells!  Snooze and you will lose out.  Now is the time to fill your baskets, tubs beds and borders adding that long awaited colour to let everyone know that Spring has finally arrived.   Make sure your garden is the better one in the neighborhood!

Take a look at the prepared baskets already made and you can bring in your own tubs or baskets to fill – just remember to pick them up!





Heathers & Hebes – Evergreen, and Eager to Please!

evergreen plants for spring gardens
Evergreen and eye catching

Evergreen, long lasting and easy to grow and keep.  Colourful hebe plants will add that year-round colour to gardens that make them dull in the winter.  New Hebe varieties like Eyecatcher, and Purple Pixie and of course the ever-colourful Hebe Heartbreaker and Burning Heart.  Plant in full sun and see the extraordinary colours unfold or plant in partial shade and let them have the dappled grace of colour for that somewhat dark area.  Wherever you plant a Hebe – expect it to show what they can do – add colour to your spring garden all year round and be there always!

Scottish Heathers are always on display in winter, summer and autumn.  Colourfull foilage and stunning flowers will show off in all weather and seasons.  Remember to always have that white heather in the garden for the good luck – Create that stunning rock garden, decorate a boring bank, slope, or just add a little bit of Scotland into your garden with a Scottish Heather!


Order online if you cannot make it to our Scottish Nursery – We ship nationwide to your door!


Fruits for backyards, pots and allotments – Grow for freshness

allotment plants for spring gardens
Grow your ow

Growing your own fruits in a spring garden is always the best way to ensure that you have organic, fresh and tasty fruits.  Great to just go out morning, or evening or whenever pick the fresh fruit.  Tasty blueberries, raspberries, boysenberries, loganberries and the very popular Tayberry!  Sweet, juicy and great looking with ice cream, cereal, or a bowl of 0% Greek yogurt!  Best of all no sins or points – just great speed fruits!


All fruits are available from our online ScotPlantsDirect website – delivery is nationwide!


Garden Gravel, Top Soil and Bark at Hedgehogs Nursery and Garden Centre Glenrothes

gravel for spring gardens
Gravel 20mm

Gravel is a great way to spruce up garden beds, borders, footpaths and driveways and now is the time to lay gravel on top of weed membrane to prevent those weeds growing but allowing rain water to drain away.  Hedgehogs Nursery in Glenrothes has a good choice of top selling gravel that will do just the job.  Call 01592 772274 to order your favourite choice.

Hedgehogs Nursery Glenrothes has a good selection of top selling garden gravel – from washed plain gravel to Cotswold, Balmullo Red, Plum Slate, etc.  All gravel is 20mm.  Local Delivery can be arranged





Top Soil – Bees Knees

top soilThe Vegetable garden is great to grow your best vegetables – so why not begin with good Top Soil from Hedgehogs Garden Centre?  Always start with something that will help amend what you have already, or to improve the quality before planting.






Garden Bark

Ornamental or Composted bark is a good way to top dress.  Imagine putting ornamental bark around trampolines, beds, borders, etc.  Composted bark can be used to help amend soils, etc.


Garden Compost

General compost (multi-purpose) something that all plants love when mixed with the general soil in the planting area before planting.  New this year Hedgehogs Nursery has multi purpose compost for spring gardensJohn Innes Multi-purpose compost – special purchase of ‘buy 3 and get the 4th bag free’ – now that is a bargain.  Another new compost is Jack’s Magic multi-purpose rich in peat and enhanced with seaweed and organic fertiliser to feed plants up to 5 weeks!  Magical for sowing seeds, transplanting, pots, containers, almost anything for the garden!

Rhododendron and Azalea or acid loving plants will also benefit from our Ericaceous compost Gro-sure Ericaceous compost designed for those acid loving plants.  Great addition is 4 months feed and easy to re-wet with excellent moisture retention!

All compost available at Hedgehogs Nursery Glenrothes – Grab a couple of bags now!