Premium fresh cut Nordman Fir Christmas tree

Premium Fresh Cut Scottish Nordman Fir Christmas Tree

The Nordman Fir Christmas tree is considered to be the king of the trees, as it’s needles will stay attached throughout the festive season. It is the most popular needle fast tree sold during the festive period.  It adds the perfect low natural scented atmosphere in your home.  One great thing about the Nordman Fir is that their needles have a wax coating which will stop allergy-inducing elements from spreading into the air.

Nordman fir is also popular for its lovely symmetrical shape and attractive foliage with needles that are not sharp.  When you set up your Nordman Christmas tree in your home, do not forget to re-cut the trunk.  Also, to place the tree in a stand that will hold at least 3-4 litres of water.  The best way to keep your tree fresh is keep the bottom 2 inches of the trunk in water and that may mean refilling the stand every day.

Our Fresh Cut Scottish Premium Nordman Fir trees are now available at Hedgehogs Nursery Glenrothes – but only while quantities last.  Be the first to put up your tree in your area and have a great Christmas.  Tress are £30.00 (includes VAT) with a £5 delivery within the Glenrothes area.

Call Hedgehogs Nursery Glenrothes on 01592 772274 or come into the nursery at Crompton Road, Southfield Industrial Estate, Glenrothes today and get your Christmas Tree!!

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