Pressure washing will have huge benefits to keeping your property sparkling, but only if done correctly. Clients will come to us after trying to do it themselves only to find they have wasted their time. Creating a huge mess and left with poor results. Home pressure washers like Karcher will not do what a professional can do. Pressure washing grime away is not an easy task and it may be better to have more experienced help.
Keeping it tidy
House proud persons will want to make sure that the exterior areas of their property are neat and tidy. By having the property looking tidy and welcoming it has that warm feeling. The moss and dirt that collects over time across your driveway, patio or decking may occur after being neglected.
Maybe oil, petrol or water stains from your vehicles have stained or made the overall look of your driveway terrible. Your deck is plagued with slimy algae and filth that has accumulated over the years.. Or maybe it is moss, lichen and weeds making your patio less appealing.
Deal with neglect
Then its time to tackle the neglect. You can attempt pressure washing the areas, or you can call Hedgehogs Garden Tidy Team to do the work for you. Someone who is experienced should tackle the job if you are not used to using a pressure washer. When done correctly, pressure washing is an easy and effective way to take care of your outdoor space and make sure its aesthetic appeal lasts for years to come.

Contact Hedgehogs Garden Tidy Maintenance Team to pressure wash your patio, deck, or driveway today. Call 01592 859541 or 07437 199166. You can also come to our nursery Hedgehogs Garden Supplies and Services, Crompton Road, Southfield Industrial Estate, Glenrothes KY62SF and talk with the team. Let’s get your neglected areas sparkling for you to enjoy!